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Feminism: a post of definitions

Before we get started on the blog, we want to make sure there are no misconceptions. There are still a lot of people around who seem to misunderstand the meaning of feminism and what exactly it is that feminists fight for. A few definitions will, hopefully, clear the way towards mature and intellectual conversations, posts and discussions. We can not work on the issue if the cause is not understood.


noun fem·i·nism \ˈfe-mə-ˌni-zəm\

  • : the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities

  • : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes


noun sex·ism \ˈsek-ˌsi-zəm\

  • : prejudice or discrimination based on sex

  • : behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex


noun equal·i·ty \i-ˈkwä-lə-tē\

  • : the quality or state of being equal

  • : the quality or state of having the same rights, social status, etc.

In short, feminism means:

- equal rights for both sexes, in all fields

- breaking down the patriarchy (which hurts both men and women)

- ridding the world of ridiculous gender based stereotypes

It does not mean:

- wanting women to have more rights than men

- hating men, or being lesbians or ballbreakers

- wanting to dominate men, or wanting a female dominated world

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